Tor Cottage
Tor Cottage in Devon is a B&B with five guest cottages. This property has been featured as one of the top five small hotels in England by Huffington Post.There is no cell phone radiation at this location. WiFi is offered in the public areas, but there is no reception in the cottages and the hosts also switch off the WiFi if a guest asks for it. There is a DECT phone, but the hosts will replace it with a wired phone if one of the guests wants it. In the lobby area there is internet access via LAN cable (the internet connection is quite fast). The hosts generally respond very individually to guests‘ wishes, but especially with regard to the radiation. Tor Cottage is in a remote location 5-10 km from the nearest towns.
Payment Options
Credit Cards
Bank Transfer
Address & Contacts
Tor Cottage, Chillaton, Lifton PL16 0JE, United Kingdom
50.608898535048, -4.2172908782959
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